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单词 thank
释义 thank
[θæŋk] verb transitive
■to express to someone that you are pleased about or are grateful for something that they have done 感谢,谢谢
He thanked me for taking him home.他感谢我送他回家。
[θæŋk] verb transitive
have sb to thank
■If you have someone to thank for something, they are responsible or to blame for it 由(某人)对…负责;应责怪(某人)
You have John to thank for this problem.出现这个问题你该怪约翰。
[θæŋk] verb transitive
I'll thank you to do sth formal
■used to ask someone, in an annoyed way, to do something 请你…(表示恼火)
I'll thank you to leave my private papers alone.请你不要动我的私人文件。
[θæŋk] verb transitive
thank sb for sth
■If you thank someone for something, you mean that they are responsible or to blame for it 把…归功(或归咎)于(某人)
You can thank John for the mess we're in.我们现在陷入这般境地,都怪约翰。
[θæŋk] verb transitive
thank your lucky stars
■to be very grateful for something 庆幸运气好
She thanked her lucky stars that she had taken out insurance, when she was in an accident on holiday.当她渡假出意外时,她庆幸自己办了保险。
[θæŋk] verb transitive
thank God/goodness/heaven(s), etc.  ADVANCED 
■said to express happiness that something bad has been avoided or has finished 感谢上帝,谢天谢地
Thank God you found the key.谢天谢地,你找到了锁匙。
I managed to catch the train, thank goodness.我赶上了火车,真是谢天谢地。
[θæŋk] verb transitive
won't thank you for doing sth
■If someone won't thank you for doing something, they will not be pleased if you do it 做…必定会使(某人)生气
She won't thank you for telling everyone how old she is.你到处宣扬她的年龄,她必定会很恼火。




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