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单词 text
释义 text
[tekst] noun
 ESSENTIAL  uncountable
■the written words in a book, magazine, etc., not the pictures (书、杂志等中区别于图片的)正文,文字材料
The book has 100 pages of closely printed text.这本书有100页印得密密麻麻的文字。
 IMPROVER  countable * a text message
I'll send you a text as soon as I have any news.我得到任何消息,就立即发一个讯息给你。
the text of sth
■the exact words of a speech, etc (演说等的)原文
Can we see the full text of your speech before Tuesday?我们能在周二前看到你演讲的全文吗?
■a book or piece of writing that you study as part of a course (学习某课程必读的)课本,教科书,书目
'Ulysses' is a set text for the exam.《尤利西斯》为考试指定的必读书。
countable usually singular
■a sentence or reference from the Bible which a priest reads aloud in church and talks about (教堂神父诵读或引用的)《圣经》经文
[tekst] verb transitive
■to send someone a text message 给(某人)发短信
I texted her to arrange a time to meet.我发了讯息给她,和她约好见面的时间。




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