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单词 student
释义 student
UK ['stju:.dənt] US ['stu:-] noun countable
■a person who is learning at a college or university, or sometimes at a school 大学生;中学生
a law student (= someone learning about law)学法律的学生
a postgraduate student研究生
a student teacher (= a person training to become a teacher)师范生
He was a student at the University of Chicago.他是芝加哥大学的学生。
■If someone is a student of a stated subject, they know about it and are interested in it, but need not have studied it formally (特定学科的)学习者(指了解并有兴趣,但不一定是正式的研究者)
When you're a nurse, you get to be a bit of a student of (= to know about) human nature.当护士的,一定得对人性有一点认识。




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