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单词 strut
释义 strut
[strʌt] verb intransitive (-tt-)
■to walk in a proud way trying to look important 趾高气扬地走,昂首阔步
The boys strutted around trying to get the attention of a group of girls who were nearby.男孩们神气十足地走来走去,想引起旁边一群女孩的注意。
[strʌt] verb intransitive (-tt-)
strut your stuff informal mainly humorous
■to dance in a confident and usually sexually exciting way, especially trying to be noticed by other people (尤指为引起他人注意)卖弄地跳舞
Hey baby, why don't you get out on the floor and strut your stuff?嘿,宝贝,你为甚么不下舞池露一手?
■to show your abilities 显露身手;卖弄本领
Wimbledon is the opportunity for all the world's best tennis players to strut their stuff.温布顿网球公开赛是全世界顶尖网球选手大展身手的好机会。
[strʌt] noun countable
■a strong rod, usually made from metal or wood, which helps to hold something such as a vehicle or building together 支柱,支杆;撑杆




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