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单词 steep
释义 steep
[sti:p] adjective
■(of a slope) rising or falling at a sharp angle (斜坡)陡的,陡峭的
a steep slope陡坡
It's a steep climb to the top of the mountain, but the view is worth it.爬上山顶的路非常陡,不过风景非常好,值得一爬。
The castle is set on a steep hill/hillside.城堡坐落在陡峭的山/山坡上。
■A steep rise or fall is one which goes very quickly from low to high or from high to low (上升或下降)急剧的,大起大落的
There has been a steep increase/rise in prices.物价飞涨。
[sti:p] adjective
TOO MUCH 太多 informal
■(especially of prices) too much, or more than is reasonable (尤指价格)过高的,高得离谱的
They are having to face very steep taxes.他们得面对非常高的税金。
We enjoyed our meal at the restaurant, but the bill was a bit steep.我们喜欢这家餐厅的东西,但价格高得有点离谱了。
The membership fees at the golf club are pretty steep.高尔夫球俱乐部的会费相当高。
[sti:p] verb intransitive or transitive
■to cause to stay in a liquid, especially in order to become soft or clean, or to improve flavour (尤指为软化、清洁或入味儿)浸,浸泡
Leave the cloth to steep in the dye overnight.把布放进染料里浸一夜。
We had pears steeped in red wine for dessert.我们的餐后甜品是红酒浸梨。
[sti:p] verb intransitive or transitive
steeped in blood literary
■describes a place where many people have died in a violent way, or a person responsible for the deaths of many people (地方)浸满鲜血的;(人)双手沾满鲜血的
The castle's history is steeped in blood.这个城堡的历史浸满鲜血。
[sti:p] verb intransitive or transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   [usually passive] steep sth/sb in sth
■If something or someone is steeped in something, they are completely surrounded by or involved in it, or they know a lot about it 使沉浸于;使深深浸入;使精通
The college is steeped in history/tradition.这所学院有着浓厚的历史/传统气息。
These ancient scholars were steeped in poetry and painting, as well as maths and astronomy.这些古代学者精通诗歌和绘画,同时对数学和天文学也深有研究。




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