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单词 statement
释义 statement
['steɪt.mənt] noun countable
■something that someone says or writes officially, or an action done to express an opinion (正式的)说明;声明;表态
The government is expected to issue a statement about the investigation to the press.预计政府会就该调查向媒体作出说明。
He produced a signed statement from the prisoner.他出示了一份犯人签字画押的口供。
He threw paint over the fur coats because he wanted to make a statement about cruelty to animals.他把颜料洒在毛皮大衣上,想藉此表现人类对动物的残忍。
[+ that] We were not surprised by their statement that the train services would be reduced.他们宣布将减少列车班次,我们对此丝毫不感到吃惊。
(also bank statement)
■a piece of paper which shows the amounts of money paid into and taken out of your bank account during a particular period of time (银行)对帐单




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