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单词 stark
释义 stark
UK [stɑ:k] US [stɑ:rk] adjective
■empty, simple or obvious, especially without decoration or anything which is not necessary; severe or extreme 赤裸的;简单的;明显的;(尤指)毫无修饰的,粗陋的;严重的;极端的
It was a stark room with its white walls, and a bed and chair as the only furniture.这个房间很简陋,家徒四壁,仅有的家俱就是一张床和一把椅子。
The stark reality is that we are operating at a huge loss.严酷的事实是我们的经营亏损非常严重。
In the suburbs the spacious houses stand in stark contrast to the slums of the city's poor.郊区宽敞的大房子和城里的贫民窟形成了鲜明的对比。
UK [stɑ:k] US [stɑ:rk] adverb
■completely or extremely 完全地;极端地
The children were splashing in the river, stark naked.孩子们一丝不挂地在河里玩水。
I think he's stark raving mad / UK alsostark staring mad to want to spend his holiday watching trains!他想把整个假期都用来看火车,我认为他简直是疯了!




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