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单词 sprout
释义 sprout
[spraʊt] verb
intransitive or transitive
■to produce leaves, hair and other new developing parts, or (of leaves, hair and other developing parts) to begin to grow 发(芽),抽(芽);长出(毛发等);(叶、毛发等)生长
It takes about three days for the seeds to sprout.这些种子大概要三天时间才会发芽。
Your hair is sticking up - it looks like you're sprouting horns!你的头发竖起来了——看起来跟长了角一样!
intransitive (also sprout up) informal
■If a large number of things sprout (up), they suddenly appear or begin to exist 涌现;突然出现
New factories have sprouted up everywhere.新工厂如雨后春笋般地四处涌现。
[spraʊt] noun countable
■a part of a plant that is just beginning to grow 苗;新芽;嫩枝
mainly UK * a brussels sprout




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