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单词 spotlight
释义 spotlight
UK ['spɒt.laɪt] US ['spɑ:t-] noun countable (UK informal spot)
■(a circle of strong light which is sent from) a lamp whose beam can be directed 聚光灯;聚光灯照明圈
in the spotlight
■(of a person) receiving a lot of public attention (人)备受关注的,众受瞩目的
The senator has been in the spotlight recently since the revelation of his tax frauds.自从参议员的纳税欺诈行为曝光后,他就成了大众关注的焦点。
UK ['spɒt.laɪt] US ['spɑ:t-] verb transitive (spotlighted or spotlit, spotlighted or spotlit)
■to light something or someone with a spotlight 用聚光灯照亮
The paintings in the alcove were spotlit from below.聚光灯从下方照亮了壁龛里的画。
■If something spotlights a particular situation, it directs public attention to it. 使大众瞩目;引起大众关注




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