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单词 sly
释义 sly
[slaɪ] adjective (slyer, slyest)
■deceiving people in a clever way in order to get what you want 狡猾的,狡诈的
He's a sly old devil - I wouldn't trust him with my money.他是个老滑头——我不会把钱交付给他的。
[before noun]
■seeming to know secrets 诡秘的
"You'll find out eventually," said Mary with a sly smile.“你最后就知道了,”玛丽诡秘地笑着说。
[slaɪ] noun
on the sly
■If you do something on the sly, you do it secretly because you should not be doing it 暗中,偷偷地
He drives his mother's car on the sly while she's at work.他趁母亲上班的时候偷开她的汽车。




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