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单词 selection
释义 selection
[sɪ'lek.ʃən] noun
 IMPROVER  countable or uncountable
■when someone or something is chosen 选择;挑选
the selection process挑选过程
Success is achieved by the careful selection of projects.成功是靠仔细慎选计划而取得的。
The coach made her selection (= chose who she wanted) for the team.教练为球队挑选了她的意中人选。
 IMPROVER  countable
■a choice, range, or different types of something 可供挑选的东西
Most schools would have a good selection of these books in their libraries.大多数学校的图书馆都有许多这样的书供选择。
The larger shops are able to stock a wider selection of goods.大一点的商店可供挑选的产品种类会更多。
■a person or thing which has been or will be chosen 被选中的东西(或人);入选者
Their music was a mix of old stuff and selections from the new album.他们的音乐是老歌与新唱片选曲的一种混合。




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