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单词 season
释义 season
['si:.zən] noun countable
■one of the four periods of the year; spring, summer, autumn or winter 季,季节
■the period of the year when something that happens every year happens (每年中某件事固定会发生的)时节,季
How long does the dry/hurricane/monsoon season last?旱/飓风/季风季要持续多久?
■the period of the year during which a particular sport is played 赛季
The British football season begins in August and ends in May.英国足球赛季始于八月,止于五月。
the holiday/summer/tourist, etc. season
■the period when most people take their holidays, go to visit places or take part in an activity outside work 度假旺季
Air fares are more expensive during the holiday season.机票在度假旺季比较贵。
■a period when a set of programmes, plays or musical events are broadcast or performed (一组节目、戏剧或音乐活动的)播出期,上演期;演出季
There will be more documentaries and fewer quiz shows in the autumn season on TV.秋季电视会播放更多的纪录片,益智问答节目会比较少。
There's a season (USfestival)of 1960s French films at the Arts Cinema next month.下个月在艺术戏院会举行20世纪60年代的法国影展。
in season
■If fruit and vegetables are in season, they are being produced in the area and are available and ready to eat (水果和蔬菜)当令的
Fruit is cheaper when it's in season.当令水果会便宜一些。
■at the time of year when many people want to travel or have a holiday 在旅游旺季
Hotel rooms are more expensive in season.在旅游旺季,旅馆的房间比较贵。
■A female animal that is in season is ready to have sex and able to become pregnant. (雌性动物)在发情期
■An animal that is in season can be hunted legally during a particular period of time. (动物)在狩猎期
out of season
■If fruit and vegetables are out of season, they do not grow in the area during that time (水果和蔬菜)不当令的
In Britain, tomatoes are out of season in winter.在英国,番茄在冬季不是当令蔬菜。
■during the period when fewer people want to travel or have a holiday 在旅游淡季
■during the period when it is not legal to hunt animals 在禁猎期
['si:.zən] noun countable
the season of goodwill
■the period around Christmas 圣诞前后
['si:.zən] verb transitive
■to improve the flavour of savoury food by adding salt, herbs or spices when cooking or preparing it 给…调味,加调料于
Drain the rice, stir in the salmon and season to taste (= so that it has the taste you like).把米饭沥干,拌入鲑鱼,然后根据个人口味加入调料。
['si:.zən] verb transitive
■to make wood hard to make it ready for use, by drying it gradually 使(木头)风干




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