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单词 scrabble
释义 scrabble
['skræb.l] verb intransitive + adverb or preposition
■to use your fingers to quickly find something that you cannot see (用手指)扒找,翻找
He was scrabbling about in the sand searching for the ring.他在沙子里扒寻戒指。
■to try to get something quickly that is not easily available 试图快速获得(不易得到之物)
The government is scrabbling around for ways to raise revenue without putting up taxes.政府正在摸索不靠加税而增加财政收入的办法。
■to climb quickly and without care 急促攀爬
Paul scrabbled up the cliff, dislodging several small stones.保罗急忙爬上悬崖,蹬开了几块小石头。
We were scrabbling over the rocks as fast as we could.我们以最快的速度攀过那些岩石。




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