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单词 scar
释义 scar
UK [skɑ:r] US [skɑ:r] noun countable
■a mark left on part of the body after an injury, such as a cut, has healed 疤,伤疤,伤痕
a prominent/noticeable/ugly scar明显的/显眼的/丑陋的伤疤
That burn will leave a nasty scar.烫伤会留下严重的伤疤。
scar tissue瘢痕组织
Compare scab a sign of damage to a person's mental state 精神创伤
His early years in the refugee camp left a deep psychological scar.早年的难民营生活给他留下深深的心理创伤。
■a sign of physical destruction in a place 外观的破坏
Every village bears the scars of war.每一个村庄都布满了战争留下的疮痍。
UK [skɑ:r] US [skɑ:r] verb transitive often passive (-rr-)
■to have or leave a scar 结疤;留下伤疤
He was scarred as a result of the fire.那场大火给他留下伤疤。
figurative His experiences in the army left him scarred for life (= had a serious mental effect on him for the rest of his life).他的军旅生涯给他留下了终身的心灵创伤。




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