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单词 reprieve
释义 reprieve
[rɪ'pri:v] noun countable
■an official order that stops or delays the punishment, especially by death, of a prisoner (尤指对死刑的)撤销令,缓刑令
He was sentenced to death but was granted a last-minute reprieve.他被判死刑,但是就在行刑前一分钟被准予缓期执行。
■an escape from a bad situation or experience 暂时解救;暂时缓解
The injection provided a temporary reprieve from the pain.注射了一针后,疼痛暂时缓解了。
[rɪ'pri:v] verb transitive
■to stop or delay the punishment, especially by death, of a prisoner 撤销,缓期执行(尤指死刑)
■to provide something or someone with an escape from a bad situation or experience, especially to delay or stop plans to close or end something 暂时解救,暂时缓解;(尤指)取消关闭,暂缓中止
The threatened hospitals could now be reprieved.面临关闭危险的那些医院现在暂时逃过一劫。




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