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单词 remand
释义 remand
UK [rɪ'mɑ:nd] US [-'mænd] verb transitive often passive legal
■to send someone accused of committing a crime away from court until their trial begins 将(被控方)还押候审
He was remanded on theft charges.他被控盗窃而被还押候审。
The accused was remanded in custody (= kept in prison before the trial began) for a week.被告在开庭审理前被还押监狱一周。
be remanded on bail
■to be allowed to leave a law court after you have been accused of committing a crime to go to a particular place, usually your home, to wait until the trial begins, after paying a sum of money to the court which will not be given back if you do not appear at the trial 担保候审
UK [rɪ'mɑ:nd] US [-'mænd] noun uncountable legal
■when someone is remanded 还押;押侯
on remand UK legal
■in prison until a court trial begins 在押候审中
He was held on remand in Brixton prison for 18 months.他被关押在布里克斯顿监狱候审达18个月。




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