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单词 reject
释义 reject
verb transitive /rɪˈdʒekt/
■to refuse to accept, use or believe something or someone 拒绝接受;拒收;不录用;不相信
The appeal was rejected by the High Court.上诉被最高法院驳回。
Coin-operated machines in England reject Irish money.英格兰的投币机不接受爱尔兰钱币。
The prime minister rejected the suggestion that it was time for him to resign.首相拒绝了他该辞职的建议。
I applied for a job as a mechanic in a local garage, but I was rejected (= I was not offered the job).我到当地一间汽车修理厂求职,想做个技工,但被拒绝了。
The football coach rejected him for the first team (= He was not offered a place in the team).足球队的教练拒绝接收他加入一线队。
■to not give someone the love and attention they want and are expecting from you 拒绝…的求爱;嫌弃;冷落;怠慢
When she was sent to boarding school, she felt as though her parents had rejected her.当她被送到寄宿学校时,她觉得好像遭到了父母的抛弃。
■If your body rejects an organ that has been put in during a medical operation, it fails to accept it and tries to attack and destroy it. 排斥,排异(移植的器官)
noun countable /ˈriː.dʒekt/
■a product which is damaged or not perfectly made 残品;次品
■a person who has not been accepted by an organization or by society 被拒绝的人;不合格者;被拒收者
He considered himself as one of life's rejects.他自认为是被生活抛弃的人。




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