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单词 practised
释义 practised
UK (ALSO US practiced) ['præk.tɪst] adjective
■very good at doing something because you have a lot of experience of doing it 有经验的;熟练的;老练的
She is a confident and practised speaker who always impresses her audience.她是个自信而又老练的演讲者,总能打动观众。
He is practised in the art of public debate.他精于公开辩论的技巧。
We need someone who is practised at negotiating business deals.我们需要擅长商务谈判的人。
■describes a skill that has been obtained from a lot of practice 习得的,练就的
She performed the song with practised skill.她演唱这首歌时表现得训练有素。




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