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单词 pomp
释义 pomp
UK [pɒmp] US [pɑ:mp] noun uncountable
■splendid and colourful ceremony, especially traditional ceremony on public occasions 典礼,盛典,盛况;(尤指)传统庆典
The Prime Minister was received with all the traditional pomp and ceremony that is laid on for visiting heads of government.首相受到政府首领的礼遇接待,全套传统隆重仪式。
Despite all the pomp of his office/position, he has only limited powers.他尽管职位显赫,权力却很有限。
pomp and circumstance
■formal ceremony 正式庆典,隆重仪式
After two hours of pomp and circumstance, the diplomas were awarded and the audience went wild.两小时的隆重仪式过后,颁发了毕业文凭,观众们疯狂起来。




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