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单词 plug
释义 plug
[plʌg] noun countable
■a small plastic or rubber object with two or three metal pins which is fixed to the end of a wire on a piece of electrical equipment, and which is pushed into a special opening in a wall in order to connect the equipment to a supply of electricity 插头
a three-pin/two-pin plug三相/两相插头
to fit/change a plug安装/更换插头
If a plug is wired incorrectly, it can be dangerous.如果插头接线接错的话会很危险。
 IMPROVER  mainly UK informal
■an electric socket 插座
Is there a plug in the bedroom that I can use for my hairdryer?卧室里有没有插座让我用一下吹风机?
US for * jack plug
informal for * spark plug
[plʌg] noun countable
■a small piece of rubber, plastic, wood, etc. that fits into a hole in order to close it 塞子,栓子
⇒ See also earplug
■a round piece of rubber or plastic that fits into the hole in a sink or a bath (洗涤槽或浴缸的)塞子,栓
a bath plug浴缸塞
Put the plug in the sink and run some water.把水槽排水孔塞上,然后放些水。
■a small piece of plastic or wood that you put into a hole in a wall before putting a screw into it (打入墙上孔内以旋进螺丝钉的)螺钉楔子,螺钉栓塞
■a small, tightly twisted or squeezed piece of material such as cotton wool 棉球,药棉
[plʌg] noun countable
■the act of telling people publicly about a product, event, etc 宣传;推荐
She never misses an opportunity to get in a plug for her new film.她从来不会错过向大众宣传自己新片的机会。
[plʌg] verb transitive (-gg-)
■to advertise something by talking about it a lot or praising it, especially on the radio or television (尤指透过广播或电视)宣传,推广
That interview was just a way for him to plug his new book.那次采访只是宣传他的新书的一种方式。
They're plugging this new chocolate bar everywhere at the moment.此时他们正在到处宣传这种新巧克力。
[plʌg] verb transitive (-gg-)
SHOOT 射击 US slang
■to shoot someone with a gun 射击,射杀
Sure, boss, we plugged the guy (full of lead).是的,老大,我们(乱枪)打死了那家伙。
[plʌg] verb transitive (-gg-)
■to fill a hole with a piece of suitable material 堵;塞;填
Have you plugged that leak (= stopped it by filling the hole) in the pipe?你把管子上的裂缝堵起来了吗?
My nose was bleeding and I plugged it with cotton wool.我鼻子流血了,便塞了棉球止血。
[plʌg] verb transitive (-gg-)
  Phrasal Verbs   plug away informal
■to work hard and in a determined way, especially at something that you find difficult 坚持不懈地做(尤指困难的事情)
Katie has been plugging away at her homework for hours.凯蒂已经做了好几个小时的作业了。
[plʌg] verb transitive (-gg-)
  Phrasal Verbs   plug (sth) in/plug (sth) into sth
■to connect an electrical device to an electrical system or device so that it can be used, by pushing its plug into a socket 给…接通电源;把(某一电器)与(另一电器)接通
Of course the radio isn't working - you haven't plugged it in!你没有插电源,收音机当然不响了!
I want to plug the kettle into the right-hand socket.我想把水壶插到右手边的插座上。
Can you show me where the microphone plugs into the tape recorder?你能指给我看麦克风接在答录机哪里吗?
The keyboard plugs in at the back of the computer.键盘接在电脑背后。
[plʌg] verb transitive (-gg-)
  Phrasal Verbs   plug (sth/sb) into sth informal
■to make something or someone fit well or have good connections with something (使)适应,成功融入
This new product line should be able to plug into our existing distribution network.这条新生产线应该能与我们现有的销售网路相适应。
[plʌg] verb transitive (-gg-)
  Phrasal Verbs   plug into sth informal
■to get to know and receive information about something, or to start using or being involved in it 开始认识,开始收取相关资讯;开始使用、参与
Andy is really plugged into the popular music scene.安迪真的踏入流行音乐界了。
We also plug into the research facilities available, and license technology from independent sources.我们也开始使用可用的研究设施,并从独立来源获得技术的许可权。




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