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单词 bat
释义 bat
[bæt] noun countable
■a specially shaped piece of wood used for hitting the ball in many games 球棒;球拍;球板
a baseball/cricket/rounders/table tennis bat棒球球棒/板球球板/跑柱式棒球球棒/乒乓球球拍
⇒ See also batsman
[bæt] noun countable
■a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night 蝙蝠
[bæt] noun countable
do sth off your own bat UK informal
■to do something without anyone else telling you or asking you to do it 主动地做…;自觉地做…
I didn't ask her to buy them a present - she did it off her own bat.我没有叫她给他们买礼物——是她自己去买的。
[bæt] noun countable
have bats in the belfry old-fashioned disapproving
■to be silly and slightly mad with confused behaviour 傻里傻气,精神失常
⇒ See also batty
[bæt] noun countable
off the bat US
■immediately 立刻,马上
You can't expect to be accepted in a new town right/straight off the bat.你不能期望刚到一个新的城镇,就立刻被人们接受。
[bæt] verb (-tt-)
EYE 眼睛
■(especially of women) to open and close your eyes quickly several times, especially to attract attention or admiration (尤指女子)眨眼(以引起注意)
She smiled and batted her eyelashes at him.她微笑着,向他眨了眨眼睛。
[bæt] verb (-tt-)
HIT 攻击
intransitive or transitive
■to try to hit a ball with a bat 用球棒(或球拍)击(球)
He batted the ball high into the air.他发了一个高球。
Jones will be the first to bat.琼斯将是第一位打击手。
[bæt] verb (-tt-)
not bat an eyelid
■to show no sign of surprise or worry when something unexpected happens 眼睛都不眨一下;面不改容
She told him she'd spent all her savings but he didn't bat an eyelid.她告诉他已经花完了自己全部的积蓄,可是他根本不为所动。




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