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单词 outside
释义 outside
adjective adverb preposition]ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ /ˈ--]
■not inside a building 在外面(的),在室外(的);在…外面
It was a lovely day outside.外面的天气真好。
Since it's such a nice day shall we eat/sit/go outside?既然天气这么好,我们到外面吃饭/坐坐/走走好吗?
an outside light/toilet室外灯/厕所
 IMPROVER  [before noun]
■coming from another place or organization 外来的(地);来自外地(或组织外)的(地);…以外
The company has called in outside experts.公司已外请专家。
outside call/line
■a telephone call or connection going outside the place where you are (电话)外线
[before noun]
■the most that would be allowed 最大限度的;最高限度的
The outside limit/figure would be £350.最大限度/最高价格会达到350英镑。
adjective adverb preposition]ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ /ˈ--]
the outside world (also the world outside)
■things that are common in normal society, but which you have no experience of 外界,外部世界
An over-protected childhood meant that at the age of 22 she had no idea about the outside world.童年时期受到过分保护,意味着到了22岁的她对外面世界仍然一无所知。
adverb preposition]ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ /ˈ--/ not in a particular building or room, but near it 在(…)外面
She sat for two hours on the floor outside his room.她在他房间外的地上坐了两个小时。
■not in a particular place 不在某地,在(…)外面,…以外
Nobody outside this room must ever know what we have discussed.除了这间屋子里的人,决不能让任何人知道我们讨论过的内容。
■not within or part of something 超出;不属于
I'm afraid that would be outside my job description.恐怕这超出了我的职责范围。
outside of mainly US
■except for 除了,除…之外
Outside of us three, no one knows anything about the problem, yet.除了我们三个,别人对这个问题都还毫不知情。
noun countable usually singular /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ /ˈ--]
■the outer part or side of something 外部,外面
The outside of the house needs painting.房子的外部需要粉饰一下。
The house looks larger when looked at from the outside.这幢房子从外面看显得更大些。
The company needs to get help from outside (= from people who work for other organizations).公司需要获得外界的帮助。
Compare inside
noun countable usually singular /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ /ˈ--]
at the outside
■used to say that an amount is the most possible in a situation 最多,顶多
The job will take about ten days at the outside.这工作顶多需要十天左右。
adjective [before noun] /ˈaʊt.saɪd/
■slight 微小的,极小的
There's still an outside chance/possibility that Scotland will get through into the World Cup.苏格兰队进入世界杯决赛圈仍有一线希望。




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