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单词 moment
释义 moment
UK ['məʊ.mənt] US ['moʊ-] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■a very short period of time 片刻,瞬间,刹那
Can you wait a moment?你能等一下吗?
I'll be ready in just a moment.我一会儿就准备好。
A car drew up outside and a few moments later the doorbell rang.一辆车在门外停下来了,过了一会儿门铃就响了。
I'm expecting her to come at any moment (= very soon).我预计她随时会来。
Have you got a moment (= Are you busy or have you got time to speak to me) ?你有空吗?
UK ['məʊ.mənt] US ['moʊ-] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■a particular time or occasion 时刻,时候;时机
When would be the best moment to tell the family?甚么时候告诉家人最好?
Don't leave it to/till the last moment (= the latest time possible).不要拖到最后一刻。
If you want a private conversation with her you'll have to choose your moment (= find a suitable time).如果你想私下和她谈谈,必须选好时机。
The moment (that) (= As soon as) I get the money I'll send the ticket.我一收到钱就会把票寄出。
at the moment
■now 此刻,目前
I'm afraid she's not here at the moment.恐怕她目前不在这里。
for the moment
■If you do something for the moment, you are doing it now, but might do something different in the future 暂时;目前
Let's carry on with what we agreed for the moment.我们暂时还是继续按照双方原来议定的去做吧。
at this moment in time formal
■now 此时此刻
I can give no information at this precise moment in time.我现在不能提供任何资讯。
UK ['məʊ.mənt] US ['moʊ-] noun
of (great) moment formal
■very important 重大的,极重要的
a decision of great moment重大的决定
⇒ See also momentous
UK ['məʊ.mənt] US ['moʊ-] noun
have a senior/blond, etc. moment
■to behave, for a short time, in a way which shows that you are old, silly, etc 突然显得苍老/愚蠢等
UK ['məʊ.mənt] US ['moʊ-] noun
have your /its moments
■to be sometimes very successful 也有成功的时候;也有得意的时候
This album may not be as good as their last one but it has its moments.这张专辑可能不如他们上一张好,但也会火一阵。
UK ['məʊ.mənt] US ['moʊ-] noun
the moment of truth
■an occasion when something important happens which tests someone or something and which will have an effect on the future 关键时刻;考验人的时刻
Lift-off is always the moment of truth for a new rocket.发射升空始终是考验一枚新火箭的关键时刻。
UK ['məʊ.mənt] US ['moʊ-] noun
not a moment too soon
■used to say that something happened when it was almost too late 差点就迟了
Help arrived - and not a moment too soon.援助到达了——差点就迟了。
UK ['məʊ.mənt] US ['moʊ-] noun
not for a moment
■used to say that you do not think or do something at all 决不,从来没有
I don't believe that story for a moment.我从来没有相信过那个说法。
UK ['məʊ.mənt] US ['moʊ-] noun
of the moment
■the person or thing that is the most important and successful at a particular time (人或事)红极一时,最重要(或成功)
Jack was man of the moment during the crisis.危机中,杰克红极一时。




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