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单词 mob
释义 mob
UK [mɒb] US [mɑ:b] noun [+ sing/pl verb]
countable usually disapproving
■a large angry crowd, especially one which could easily become violent 暴民,乱民
The angry mob outside the jail was/were ready to riot.监狱外愤怒的暴民准备闹事。
a lynch mob行私刑的暴民
Fifty people were killed in three days of mob violence.三天的暴乱中有50人丧生。
countable informal
■a group of people who are friends or who are similar in some way 一群人,一伙;帮派,团伙
The usual mob were/was hanging out at the bar.酒吧里闲混的还是往常那伙人。
only singular informal
■an organization of criminals 犯罪集团
a New York mob leader纽约犯罪集团的头目
⇒ See also mobster
UK [mɒb] US [mɑ:b] verb transitive
transitive usually passive (-bb-)
■to come together around someone in a crowd to express admiration, interest or anger (人群)围住,围聚
They were mobbed by fans when they arrived at the theatre.他们到达剧院时,被影迷团团围住。
Let's not go to the Old Town tonight - it's always mobbed (= there are always a lot of people there) on Fridays.我们今晚不要去老城了——那里星期五总是有许多人。
intransitive or transitive (-bb-)
■When a group of birds or small animals mob a bigger or more frightening bird or animal that is hunting them, they attack it together and force it to go away. (鸟群或一群小动物)成群袭击,围攻(猛禽或猛兽)




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