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单词 might
释义 might
[maɪt] modal verb
MAY 可能
 ESSENTIAL  past simple of
■the verb may , used especially when reporting what someone has said, thought, asked, etc (may 的过去式)可能,可以
I brought him some sandwiches because I thought he might be hungry.我拿了些三明治给他,因为我想他可能饿了。
Very politely the little boy asked if he might have another piece of cake (= he said "May I have another piece of cake, please?").小男孩非常礼貌地问可否再吃一块蛋糕。
[maɪt] modal verb
■used to express the possibility that something will happen or be done, or that something is true although not very likely (表示可能性)可能,也许
I might come and visit you in America next year, if I can save enough money.如果我存够钱的话,明年我也许会到美国看你。
Don't go any closer - it might be dangerous/it mightn't be safe.别再走近了——那可能很危险/不安全。
Driving so fast, he might have had a nasty accident (= it could have happened but it did not).他开车开得那么快,早就可能出意外。
The rain might have stopped by now.现在雨也许已经停了。
[maɪt] modal verb
 ADVANCED  UK formal
■used as a more polite form of may when asking for permission (用于请求许可,语气较 may 更婉转)可以,能
Might I ask a question?我能问个问题吗?
I wonder if I might have a quick look at your newspaper?请问我能否看一下你的报纸?
[maɪt] modal verb
■used to make a suggestion or suggest a possibility in a polite way (用于礼貌地建议)可以,也许
You might like to try a little more basil in the sauce next time.下次你可以试着在酱汁里多加点罗勒。
I thought you might like to join me for dinner.我想你也许愿意和我一起吃晚餐。
[maɪt] modal verb
■used to suggest, especially angrily, what someone should do to be pleasant, correct, polite, etc (表示婉转的责备)应该
You might at least try to look like you're enjoying yourself!你至少应该努力做出很开心的样子!
"I've asked the boss to dinner tonight." "Well, you might have warned me!"“今晚我要请老板吃饭。”“噢,你总该事先告诉我!”
[maɪt] modal verb
INTRODUCE 引出 (also may)
■used to introduce a statement which is very different from the statement you really want to make, in order to compare the two (用于引出与真正想说的话完全不同的话,以将两者对比)也许
Leeds might be an excellent team, but today they played appallingly.里兹队也许是支很棒的球队,但今天他们表现得糟糕极了。
[maɪt] modal verb
I might have known slightly disapproving
■said when you are not surprised at a situation or someone's behaviour, because you expected it 我就知道
I might have known (that) he'd still be in bed at noon.我就知道他到中午了还在睡觉。
[maɪt] modal verb
might I ask/inquire/know UK formal
■used in questions to show disapproval by being more polite than is expected (用于问句中,礼貌地表示不赞同)我可以问一下/知道吗
And what are you doing in there, might I ask?我可以问一下你在那里做甚么吗?
[maɪt] modal verb
  Common Learner Errors   mightMight is followed by an infinitive verb without 'to'.Don't say 'might does something', say might do something :
This year's group might includes several vegetarians.This year's group might include several vegetarians.
[maɪt] noun uncountable
■power, strength or force 力量;威力;能力
Pizarro defeated the might of the Inca Empire with only a few hundred men.皮萨罗以区区几百人就打败了强大的印加帝国。
She struggled with all her might to get free.她用尽全力想挣脱出来。
[maɪt] noun uncountable
with might and main old-fashioned literary
■with as much effort as possible 全力以赴,竭尽全力
They shouted with might and main but nobody came to rescue them.他们竭尽全力呼喊,却没有人来营救。




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