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单词 memorial
释义 memorial
UK [mə'mɔ:.ri.əl] US [-'mɔ:r.i-] noun countable
■an object, often large and made of stone, which has been built to honour a famous person or event 纪念物;纪念碑
a war memorial战争纪念碑
The statue was erected as a memorial to those who died in the war.这尊雕像是为纪念战争中死去的人而竖立的。
UK [mə'mɔ:.ri.əl] US [-'mɔ:r.i-] adjective [before noun]
■A memorial event or object is a way of remembering a person or people who have died 用以纪念的,纪念性的;追悼的
Hundreds of people came to Professor Conner's memorial service.数百人参加了康纳教授的悼念仪式。
A memorial garden was to be created for the Princess in a London park.将在伦敦的一个公园里修建一座用来纪念这位王妃的花园。




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