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单词 meditation
释义 meditation
[ˌmed.ɪ'teɪ.ʃən] noun
■the act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as a religious activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed 沉思,冥想
prayer and meditation祈祷与冥想
She practises meditation.她时常静坐冥想。
countable or uncountable
■serious thought or study, or the product of this activity 沉思,深思
Let us spend a few moments in quiet meditation.让我们花片刻时间静静思考一下。
I left him deep in meditation.他陷入了沉思,我没有打扰他。
The book is a meditation on the morality of art.这本书探讨了艺术道德。




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