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单词 market
释义 market
UK ['mɑ:.kɪt] US ['mɑ:r-] noun countable
■the people who might want to buy something, or a part of the world where something is sold 买方;市场
Are you sure there's a market for the product?你肯定这种产品有市场吗?
We estimate the potential market for the new phones to be around one million people in this country alone.我们估计,仅在这个国家新型电话的潜在市场就有100万人左右。
The domestic market is still depressed, but demand abroad is picking up.国内市场仍然低迷,但国外需求正逐步上升。
They've increased their share of the market by 10% over the past year.过去一年他们的市场占有率增加了10%。
■the business or trade in a particular product, including financial products (金融等特定产品的)买卖,市场
the coffee market咖啡市场
the economic market经济市场
the commodities market商品市场
the stock market股票市场
the job market就业市场
the housing market房地产市场
in the market for sth
■interested in buying something 想购买
Thanks for the offer, but I'm not in the market for another car at the moment.谢谢你提供的优惠,但目前我无意再买一辆汽车。
on the market
■available for sale 有供应,在出售,上市
We put our house on the market as soon as house prices started to rise.房价一涨,我们就卖房子。
This is one of the best televisions on the market.这是市场上最好的电视机之一。
The pictures would sell for half a million on the open market (= if offered for sale without a fixed price).这些画在公开市场上可卖到50万。
UK ['mɑ:.kɪt] US ['mɑ:r-] noun countable
■a place or event at which people meet in order to buy and sell things 集市,市集;市场
Fruit and vegetables are much cheaper from/ in/on the market than in the supermarket.市场上的水果和蔬菜比超市便宜得多。
She runs a stall in/on the market.她在市场上有一个货摊。
The indoor flower market is a big tourist attraction.室内花市对旅客有很大的吸引力。
a craft market工艺品市场
The town's always busy on market day.镇子在赶集那天总是很热闹。
⇒ See also marketplace
UK ['mɑ:.kɪt] US ['mɑ:r-] noun countable
SHOP 商店 US a shop that sells mainly food 食品店
⇒ See also hypermarket;supermarket
UK ['mɑ:.kɪt] US ['mɑ:r-] verb transitive
■to make goods available to buyers in a planned way which encourages people to buy more of them, for example by advertising 促销;推销;行销
Their products are very cleverly marketed.他们产品的行销方式很巧妙。




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