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单词 loss
释义 loss
UK [lɒs] US [lɑ:s] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable or uncountable
■when you no longer have something or have less of something 丧失,失去,失落
Many parents feel a sense of loss when their children leave home.孩子们离家后许多父母都会有失落感。
He suffered a gradual loss of memory.他的记忆力越来越差了。
There will be substantial job losses if the factory closes down.如果工厂关闭,大批工人将会失业。
blood/hair/weight loss失血/脱发/体重减轻
 ADVANCED  only singular
■a disadvantage caused by someone leaving an organization (某人离开带来的)损失,弊端
It would be a great loss to the department if you left.你如果离开将是该部门的巨大损失。
 ADVANCED  countable or uncountable
■the death of a person 去世,死亡
They never got over the loss of their son.他们一直没有走出失去儿子的阴影。
 ADVANCED  countable
■when a business spends more money than it earns 亏损
The company announced a pre-tax loss of three million pounds.公司宣布税前亏损300万英镑。
loss of life
■when a number of people die 丧生,死亡
The plane crashed with serious loss of life.飞机失事导致很多人遇难。
UK [lɒs] US [lɑ:s] noun
be at a loss
■to not know what to do or say 不知所措;不知说甚么
I'm at a loss to know how I can help you.我不知道该怎么帮你。
UK [lɒs] US [lɑ:s] noun
One man's loss is another man's gain. saying
■said when someone gets an advantage from someone else's bad luck 一人之失即是他人之得;此消彼长




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