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单词 leadership
释义 leadership
UK ['li:.də.ʃɪp] US [-dɚ-] noun uncountable
■the set of characteristics that make a good leader 领导素质,领导能力
What the company lacks is leadership.公司缺乏的是领导能力。
He lacks leadership qualities/skills.他缺乏领导素质/技巧。
■the position or fact of being the leader 领导地位;领导
The group flourished under her firm leadership.在她的坚定领导下,该团体出现了欣欣向荣的景象。
R&M gained market leadership (= sold more goods than other companies) by selling products that were of superior quality.R&M公司因产品质量优良在市场上占据了主导地位。
the leadership
■the person or people in charge of an organization 领导人员;领导层
There is growing discontent with the leadership.人们对领导层的不满情绪日益高涨。
The election for the leadership of the council will take place on Tuesday.议会领袖选举将在星期二进行。




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