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单词 knight
释义 knight
[naɪt] noun countable
■a man given a rank of honour by a British king or queen because of his special achievements, and who has the right to be called 'Sir', or (in the past) a man of high social position trained to fight as a soldier on a horse (英国的)爵士;(旧时的)骑士
He hopes to be made a knight for his work at the Bank of England.他希望因为他在英格兰银行的工作而被封为爵士。
knights in black armour身穿黑色盔甲的骑士
■in the game of chess , a piece in the shape of a horse's head that moves two squares in one direction and then one square at an angle of 90° (国际象棋中的)马
[naɪt] noun countable
a knight in shining armour
■someone who saves you from a difficult or dangerous situation 救星
[naɪt] verb transitive
■to give someone the rank of knight 封(某人)为爵士
He was knighted by the Queen for his work with famine victims.他为饥荒难民操劳而被女王封为爵士。




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