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单词 kindly
释义 kindly
['kaɪ] adverb
■in a kind way 仁慈地;友好地;大方地
Stella has very kindly offered to help out with the food for the party.斯特拉很友善,主动提出帮忙准备派对的食物。
old-fashioned formal
■used when asking someone to do something, especially when you are annoyed with them but still want to be polite (尤指恼怒时尽量表示礼貌)请,劳驾
You are kindly requested to leave the building.请你离开这间房子。
['kaɪ] adverb
not take kindly to sth
■to not like something 不乐意,不喜欢
After years of being looked after by his mother, he didn't take kindly to being told to cook for himself.在被母亲照料多年后,被告知要自已做饭,他很不乐意。
['kaɪ] adjective old-fashioned
■A kindly person or action is a kind one 仁慈的;和蔼的;友好的
a kindly old lady和蔼可亲的老妇人




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