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单词 kettle
释义 kettle
UK ['ket.l] US ['ketˌ-] noun countable
■a covered metal or plastic container with a handle and a shaped opening for pouring, used for boiling water 水壶,开水壶
put the kettle on
■to start to boil water in a kettle 开始烧水
UK ['ket.l] US ['ketˌ-] noun countable
be another /a different kettle of fish
■to be completely different from something or someone else that has been talked about 截然不同;完全两回事
Having knowledge is one thing but being able to communicate it to others is another kettle of fish.拥有知识是一回事,但能够传授给别人完全是另一回事了。
UK ['ket.l] US ['ketˌ-] noun countable
a pretty / fine kettle of fish old-fashioned
■a very difficult and annoying situation 难办的事;尴尬的局面




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