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单词 jettison
释义 jettison
UK ['dʒet.ɪ.sən] US ['dʒetˌ-] verb transitive
■to get rid of something or someone that is not wanted or needed 把…作为废物抛弃,扔掉
The station has jettisoned educational broadcasts.电台已取消了教育广播。
■to decide not to use an idea or plan 放弃(想法或计划)
We've had to jettison our holiday plans because of David's accident.因为大卫发生了意外事故我们不得不放弃渡假计划。
■to throw goods, fuel or equipment from a ship or aircraft to make it lighter (船舶、飞机等为减轻重量而)投弃(货物、燃料或装备)
The captain was forced to jettison the cargo and make an emergency landing.机长被迫投弃机上的货物并紧急降落。




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