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单词 itch
释义 itch
[ɪtʃ] verb intransitive
■to have or cause an uncomfortable feeling on the skin which makes you want to rub it with your nails 发痒
I can't wear wool - it makes me itch.我不能穿毛料衣服——穿了就浑身发痒。
[ɪtʃ] verb intransitive
itch to do sth (also itch for sth) informal
■to want to do something very much and as soon as possible 急切地想做
He was itching to hear the results.他渴望知道结果。
By four o'clock I was itching for the meeting to end.到了四点钟我就急切地盼望会议结束。
[ɪtʃ] noun countable
■an uncomfortable feeling on the skin which makes you want to rub it with your nails 痒
I've got an itch on the back of my neck.我脖子后面有一处发痒。




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