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单词 iron
释义 iron
UK [aɪən] US [aɪrn] noun
 IMPROVER  uncountable
■a common silver-coloured metal element which is magnetic. It is strong, used in making steel and found in very small amounts, in a chemically combined form, in blood 铁
Iron rusts easily.铁易生锈。
Liver is a particularly rich source of dietary iron.肝脏中含有特别丰富的饮食铁质。
iron ore铁矿
an iron deficiency铁质缺乏
UK [aɪən] US [aɪrn] noun
 ADVANCED  countable
■a piece of equipment for making clothes flat and smooth, especially after they have been washed, which has a handle and a flat base and is usually heated with electricity 熨斗
a steam iron蒸汽熨斗
a travel iron旅行用熨斗
UK [aɪən] US [aɪrn] noun
GOLF 高尔夫球
■a stick which has an iron or steel part at the end that is used to hit the ball in golf (高尔夫球运动中的)铁头球杆,铁杆
He'll probably use a 2 or 3 iron for the shot.他这一击很可能要用2号或3号铁头球杆。
UK [aɪən] US [aɪrn] noun
irons [plural] literary
■chains tied around someone to prevent them from escaping or moving 镣铐
It was common practice for the prisoners to be clapped in irons (= tied with chains).通常会用镣铐铐住犯人。
UK [aɪən] US [aɪrn] noun
have a few/several, etc. irons in the fire
■to be involved with many activities or jobs at the same time or to make certain that there are always several possibilities available 同时有几件事要做;同时有数种可能
If that job application doesn't work out I've got a couple more irons in the fire.如果那份求职申请没有结果,我还有另外几个选择。
UK [aɪən] US [aɪrn] verb intransitive or transitive
■to make clothes flat and smooth using an iron 熨(衣),烫平
It takes about five minutes to iron a shirt properly.熨好一件衬衫大约需要五分钟。
UK [aɪən] US [aɪrn] verb intransitive or transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] iron sth out
■to remove problems or find solutions 消除;解决
We're still trying to iron out some problems with the computer system.我们仍在试图解决电脑系统中的一些问题。
We hope they can iron out their differences and get on with working together.我们希望他们能消除分歧,继续共事。
UK [aɪən] US [aɪrn] adjective [before noun]
■very strong physically, mentally or emotionally 极强壮的;强硬坚定的
I think you have to have an iron will to make some of these decisions.我认为你需要有钢铁般的意志才能作出这些决定。
UK [aɪən] US [aɪrn] adjective [before noun]
an iron hand / fist in a velvet glove
■used to describe someone who seems to be gentle but is in fact severe and firm 外柔内刚的人
UK [aɪən] US [aɪrn] adjective [before noun]
rule sth with an iron hand / fist US
■to control a group of people very firmly, having complete power over everything they do 以铁腕手段控制




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