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单词 heaven
释义 heaven
['hev.ən] noun
 IMPROVER  uncountable
■in some religions, the place, sometimes imagined to be in the sky, where God or the gods live and where good people are believed to go after they die, so that they can enjoy perfect happiness 天堂,天国
 IMPROVER  uncountable informal
■a situation that gives you great pleasure 极乐
I just lay in the sun for a week and did nothing - it was heaven.一整个礼拜我都躺在阳光下甚么也不干——简直像天堂一样。
the heavens [plural]
■the sky 天空
We stared up at the heavens trying to see the comet.我们仰望天空想看到彗星。
['hev.ən] noun
the heavens open
■If the heavens open, it suddenly starts to rain a lot 突然开始下大雨
Just as we got to the park, the heavens opened.我们刚到公园,天就突然下起了大雨。




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