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单词 harness
释义 harness
UK ['hɑ:.nəs] US ['hɑ:r-] noun countable
■a piece of equipment, with straps and belts, used to control or hold in place a person, animal or object 挽具;系带
a safety harness安全带
a baby harness婴儿学步用的系带
a parachute harness降落伞吊带
UK ['hɑ:.nəs] US ['hɑ:r-] noun countable
be back in harness
■to have returned to work after being away for a period of time 回到工作岗位
UK ['hɑ:.nəs] US ['hɑ:r-] noun countable
in harness with
■working together to achieve something 与…合作
UK ['hɑ:.nəs] US ['hɑ:r-] verb transitive
■to put a harness on a horse, or to connect a horse to a vehicle using a harness 给(马)上挽具
■to control something, usually in order to use its power 控制;利用…的动力
There is a great deal of interest in harnessing wind and waves as new sources of power.人们对开发利用风和波浪这些新能源非常感兴趣。




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