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单词 gossip
释义 gossip
UK ['gɒs.ɪp] US ['gɑ:.səp] noun
■(a) conversation or reports about other people's private lives which might be unkind, disapproving or not true (有关别人隐私的)流言蜚语,闲言闲语,闲聊
Her letter was full of gossip.她信里讲的都是些闲言闲语。
Jane and Lyn sat in the kitchen having a good gossip about their friends.简和琳恩坐在厨房里大聊特聊自己的那班朋友。
I don't like all this idle gossip.我讨厌这些无聊的流言蜚语。
I've got some juicy gossip for you.我有些特别有趣的小道传闻告诉你。
Have you heard the (latest) gossip?你听到(最近流传的)那些闲言闲语吗?
countable disapproving (mainly UK gossipmonger)
■someone who enjoys talking about other people and their private lives 爱说三道四的人;喜欢散布流言蜚语的人
She's a terrible gossip.她是个很要命的长舌妇。
UK ['gɒs.ɪp] US ['gɑ:.səp] verb intransitive
■to talk about other people's private lives (对别人的隐私)说三道四,传播流言蜚语
Stop gossiping and get on with some work.别再闲扯了,继续工作去。
People have started to gossip about us.人们已经开始说我们的闲话了。




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