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单词 apostrophe
释义 apostrophe
UK [ə'pɒs.trə.fi] US [-'pɑ:.strə-] noun countable
■the punctuation mark ' that shows when a letter or a number has been left out, or is used before or after s to show possession (表示省略或加在字母s前后表示所有格的)撇号,省字元,省略符号(’)
I'm (= I am)我是
they're (= they are)他们是
'65 (= 1965)1965年
Helen's laugh海伦的笑
Charles' cooking查尔斯的厨艺
a baby's hand婴儿的一只手
babies' hands婴儿的手
■used before s to show the plural of a number or a letter (用于字母s前表示数字或字母的复数形式)
the 1920's20世纪20年代
I always forget there are four s's in possession.我总是记不住单词 possession 中 有四个 s。




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