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单词 freelance
释义 freelance
UK ['fri:.lɑ:nts] US [-lænts] adjective adverb
■doing particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization 从事自由职业(的);作为自由职业者(的)
Most of the journalists I know are/work freelance.我认识的记者大多数是自由撰稿人。
a freelance artist自由职业艺术家
UK ['fri:.lɑ:nts] US [-lænts] noun countable (also freelancer)
■someone who is freelance 自由职业者
The firm employs several freelances.该事务所雇用了几个自由职业者。
UK ['fri:.lɑ:nts] US [-lænts] verb intransitive
■to work freelance 当自由职业者
I prefer to freelance from home rather than to work in an office.我宁可在家当自由职业者,也不愿到办公室上班。




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