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单词 any
释义 any
['en.i] determiner pronoun
■some, or even the smallest amount or number of 一些;一点;若干
Is there any of that lemon cake left?柠檬蛋糕有没有剩下一点啊?
There was hardly any food left by the time we got there.我们到那里的时候,几乎一点吃的都没了。
"Is there some butter I could use?" "No, there's some margarine but there isn't any butter."“还有奶油吗?我要用点。”“没了,人造奶油还有些,但是奶油一点都没有了。”
"Is there any more soup?" "No, I'm afraid there isn't any left."“还有汤吗?”“抱歉,一点都没有了。”
I haven't seen any of his films.他的电影我一部都没看过。
I don't expect we'll have any more trouble from him.我希望他再也不要给我们添任何麻烦了。
I go to church for weddings but not for any other reason.我只有参加婚礼才会去教堂。
Are you sure there isn't any way of solving this problem?你肯定这问题没有任何解决办法了?
['en.i] determiner pronoun
■one of or each of a particular type of person or thing when it is not important which 任何一个,无论哪个
Any food would be better than nothing at all.有一点吃的总比甚么都没有好。
"Which of these cakes may I eat?" "Any."“我可以吃哪块蛋糕?”“随便。”
The offer was that you could have any three items of clothing you liked for £30.商家提供的优惠是,花30英镑可任选三件你喜欢的服装。
informal On Sundays I just wear any old thing (= anything) that I happen to find lying around.星期天我是抓着哪件衣服就穿哪件。
Any of you should be able to answer this question.你们随便哪个都应该能回答这个问题。
Any idiot with a basic knowledge of French should be able to book a hotel room in Paris.任何人只要懂点起码的法语,都能在巴黎预订一个旅馆房间。
Any advice (= Whatever advice) that you can give me would be greatly appreciated.你给我甚么建议我都会感激不尽。
Any minute/day/time now (= Very soon) there's going to be a massive quarrel between those two.他们两个随时都会大吵一场。
There were a lot of computers at the exhibition, any (one) of which would have suited me perfectly.展览会上有很多电脑,无论哪一台都会非常适合我用。
['en.i] adverb
■at all or in the least 根本;丝毫,略,稍
Can't you run any faster?你不能再跑快一点吗?
Those trousers don't look any different from the others.那条裤子看起来和其他裤子没甚么两样。
Are you feeling any better after your illness?你病愈后感觉身体好些了吗?
Houses in this area used to be a real bargain, but they're not cheap any more (= now).以前这一地区的房价非常低廉,但是现在可不便宜了。
This radio is n't any good (= it's useless) - I'll have to buy another.这台收音机根本不好用,我还得再买一台。
I used to walk to work every day, but not any longer (= not now).我以前每天都步行去上班,但是现在不了。
US informal I tried talking him out of it, but that didn't help any - he still left home.我极力想劝阻他,但根本无济于事,他还是离家而去。




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