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单词 antique
释义 antique
[æn'ti:k] noun countable
■something made in an earlier period and collected and valued because it is beautiful, rare, old or of high quality 古物;古器;古董;古玩
You can't give away Granny's old bookcase - it's a valuable antique.你不能把奶奶的旧书柜送人,那可是件值钱的古董啊。
My mother collects antiques.我母亲收藏古玩。
[æn'ti:k] adjective
■dealing in or relating to antiques 古玩的,古董的,从事古董买卖的
an antique dealer古玩商
antique shops/markets/fairs/auctions古董店/市场/交易会/拍卖
■made in an earlier period and valued for being beautiful, rare, old or of high quality 古物;古器;古董;古玩
antique silver/jewellery/lace/furniture古银器/珠宝/蕾丝/家俱




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