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单词 exploration
释义 exploration
UK [ˌek.splə'reɪ.ʃən] US [-splɚ'reɪ-] noun countable or uncountable
■when you search and find out about something 探测;勘查;探索;研究
Livingstone was the first European to make an exploration of the Zambezi river (= to travel to it in order to discover more about it).利文斯顿是第一个勘探赞比西河的欧洲人。
We need to carry out a full exploration (= examination) of all the alternatives.我们必须彻底调查所有可供选择的方案。
The exploration (= search) for new sources of energy is vital for the future of our planet.探索新能源对我们地球的未来极为重要。




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