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单词 expense
释义 expense
[ɪk'spents] noun
 ESSENTIAL  uncountable
■when you spend or use money, time or effort 花钱;支付;耗费
Buying a bigger car has proved to be well worth the expense.事实证明,买辆大一点的车还是值得的。
We've just had a new garage built at great expense.我们刚用了很多钱盖一座新车库。
We went on holiday at my father's expense (= he paid for it).我们去度了假,一切费用由我父亲支付。
It's silly to go to the expense of (= spend money on) buying new clothes when you don't really need them.花钱去买你并不真正需要的新衣服是很傻的。
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■something which causes you to spend money 花钱的东西(或缘由);开销
Our biggest expense this year was our summer holiday.我们今年最大的开支就是暑期渡假。
We need to cut down on our expenses.我们必须缩减开支。
expenses [plural]
■money that you spend when you are doing your job, that your employer will pay back to you (向雇主报销的)业务费用,开支,花销
I need to get my expenses approved.我要去办核销手续。
UK Don't worry about the cost of lunch - it's on expenses.不要担心午餐用多少钱——这是可以报销的。
[ɪk'spents] noun
all expenses paid
■If something is all expenses paid, it means that you do not have to pay for anything yourself 一切费用已付的;别人支付的;免费的
She's going on a trip to New York, all expenses paid.她将要去纽约旅行——免费的。
an all expenses paid trip to New York免费去纽约旅行
[ɪk'spents] noun
at the expense of sb (also at sb's expense)
■making another person look silly 捉弄(某人),戏弄(某人);拿(某人)开心
Would you stop making jokes at my expense?你不要再戏弄我了,好不好?
[ɪk'spents] noun
blow/hang the expense UK informal
■used for saying that you want something so much that you do not care how much it costs 不用理会用多少钱,不在乎用多少钱
I'm going to book a holiday. Blow the expense!我要预约渡假。才不管会用多少钱呢!
[ɪk'spents] noun
no expense is spared
■If no expense is spared in arranging something, a lot of money is spent to make it extremely good 不惜重金;不惜代价
No expense was spared in making the guests feel comfortable.为了使客人住得舒适不惜重金。




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