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单词 envy
释义 envy
['] verb transitive
■to wish that you had something that another person has 羡慕;忌妒
I envy her ability to talk to people she's never met before.她与人初次见面就能侃侃而谈,这真让我羡慕。
[+ two objects] I don't envy you the job of cooking for all those people.为所有那些人做饭,你这种工作我一点都不羡慕。
['] noun uncountable
■the feeling that you wish you had something that someone else has 羡慕;忌妒
I watched with envy as she set off for the airport.看着她动身去机场,我心中好生羡慕。
Compare jealousy
be the envy of sb
■to be liked and wanted by a lot of people 是令(某人)羡慕(或嫉妒)的对象
Her hair is the envy of the office.她的一头秀发令同办公室的人好生羡慕。




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