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单词 emotional
释义 emotional
UK [ɪ'məʊ.ʃən.əl] US [-'moʊ-] adjective
■relating to the emotions 情绪(上)的,情感(上)的
a child's emotional development孩子情感方面的发展
My doctor said the problem was more emotional than physical.我的医生说问题主要出在情感方面而不是身体机能上。
Amnesia can be caused by emotional trauma.情感创伤可以使人罹患健忘症。
■having and expressing strong feelings 激动的;感情强烈的
He's a very emotional man.他是个感情易冲动的人。
I felt quite emotional during the wedding ceremony.在婚礼上我无比激动。
He became very emotional when I told him I was pregnant.当我告诉他我怀孕了的时候,他非常激动。
The President has made an emotional (= full of emotion) plea for the killing to stop.总统恳切地呼吁停止屠杀。




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