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单词 edition
释义 edition
[ɪ'dɪʃ.ən] noun countable
■a particular form in which a book, magazine or newspaper is published 版本
the paperback / hardback edition of the dictionary该词典的平装/精装本
The regional editions of the paper contain specific information for that area.该报地方版刊登一些针对当地读者的内容。
■a single broadcast of a series of radio or television programmes (广播电视节目的)一期,一辑
This morning's edition of 'Women's Hour' is at the earlier time of a quarter to ten.今天上午的《妇女时光》节目将提前到九点四十五分播出
■the total number of copies of a particular book, newspaper, etc. that are published at the same time 一版印刷总数;版次
She collects first editions of nineteenth century authors.她收藏19世纪作家著作的初版本。
■one of a series of repeated events (一系列重复进行的事件中的)一次,一回,一届
The 77th edition of the Indianapolis 500 was held before an estimated 450 000 fans.第77届印弟安纳波里斯500英里汽车赛吸引了大约45万车迷观看。




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