earnest UK ['ɜ:.nɪst] US ['ɝ:-] adjective ■serious or determined, especially too serious and unable to find your own actions funny 认真的;有决心的;郑重其事的;诚挚的•He was a very earnest young man.他是个非常认真的年轻人。 in deadly earnest ■completely serious 郑重其事;一本正经;严肃认真•These fanatics are in deadly earnest when they say they want to destroy all forms of government.这些狂热分子声称要摧毁所有政府的形式时,他们可不是说着玩,而是完全当真的。 in earnest ■When something begins in earnest, it has already started but is now being done in a serious and complete way 正确地;真正地;完全地•The election campaign has begun in earnest.竞选宣传活动正式开始了。 be in earnest ■to be speaking honestly 是认真的;是诚挚的•I thought he was joking - I didn't realize he was in earnest.我还以为他在开玩笑——没想到他是认真的。 |