dodge UK [dɒdʒ] US [dɑ:dʒ] verb intransitive or transitive ■to avoid being hit by something by moving quickly to one side 闪(身),躲闪,避开•He dodged to avoid the hurtling bicycle.他闪身躲过了疾驰而来的脚踏车。 transitive ■to avoid something unpleasant 迴避,逃避•The minister dodged questions about his relationship with the actress.部长迴避了关于他与那位女演员之间关系的问题。 UK [dɒdʒ] US [dɑ:dʒ] noun countable informal ■a clever, dishonest way of avoiding something (巧妙而具欺骗性的)逃避•They bought another car as a tax dodge (= a way to avoid paying tax).为了逃税,他们又买了一辆汽车。 |